Becoming a Contagious Christian- This is a cool book! We're reading this for our ABF class, and I just got through the first couple of chapters. The author Bill Hybels relates a number of different anecdotes and stories in chapter 1, but conveys one very simple message: Everyone matters to God!!!
Chapter one discusses Christ's well known
Prodigal Son parable. As Hibel points out, Jesus told three stories in a row in Luke 15 to hammer down the point that yes, everyone matters to God...and even those whom we may be quick to "write off" are precious in the eyes of God. To quote Hibel, "you have never locked eyes with another human being who isn't valuable to God." Wow, talk about a potential guilt trip!
This got me to thinking. I have this student who has struggled all year long...D's and F's. I shamefully admit that I've thought more than once that this kid is just taking up space and isn't worth my time because he never does his homework and obviously doesn't care about his education at all. We had a heart to heart today. I decided to make him my "Lenten project" and come hell or high water...this kid is going to pass my class. We set up an "arrangement" where he is to report to me each day for "study hall", and as I told him, we'll do the work together. This young man is going to get to know
The Great Gatsby real well over the next few weeks...lucky him!
Chapter 2's focus could be paraphrased as
Mission Impossible..."God loves to stretch us beyond our comfort zones and challenge us to take risks..." Talking about my faith with close friends at church and work is's when you're called upon to reach out to those folks who are outside of our "circle" of friends/ acquaintances- that's when it can become quite a challenge...the disgruntled co-worker, the obnoxious next door neighbor, the pain in the butt student in the classroom, you get the picture...I have always struggled with this in my life.
Mission Impossible- No...but it can be awfully difficult at times and even complicate our lives.
But, as Hybels points out, just about
anything that is important to us (our marriage, children, owning a house, maintaining a friendship, etc...) usually complicates our lives...but are they worth it? Of course!