Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Count Your Blessings!

Josh and I took a trip to Children's Hospital today to have some X-rays taken of his spine. (His doctor thinks he might have a mild case of scoliosis...which, at a worst case scenario, can be treated through therapy or a back brace) Anyway, sitting in the waiting room with Josh reminded me of a composition assignment that was given to me years ago when I was in high school. The teacher instructed us to go to a large public place, like an airport, library, hospital waiting room, etc...) and simply observe the people there for about an hour. Then, we were to write a narrative describing what we saw and speculating the "stories" of the various people whom we encountered.

The waiting room at Children's Hospital had about 1/2 a dozen sets of parents whom, I assumed, had various "stories" about their children. I can only imagine that some of them were contending with very serious illnesses and diseases with their kids...evidenced by the saddened expressions found on a few of them. I guess my point is...I'm so fortunate to have a family who has their health. Outside of the deaths of grandparents, I've never had to deal with any major calamities in life, and I have not been thankful enough for this. I need to count my blessings more often...

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