Saturday, February 17, 2007

Monster Jam

So I decided to expose my kids to what may very well be the next cultural renaissance of our lifetime. Seriously, this thing was a sell-out! We had great seats as we were able to watch these machines come right at us and fly over a bunch of old jalopies and mini-vans. I figure when the day comes that I can buy another Mustang, I'll donate my Dodge Caravan to this show.

As Josh watched all the promo commercials for this event, GraveDigger was definitely the truck to root for. So what happens? The dude comes out and flips during his first stunt. Then, the driver from Safe Auto got a stomach flu and they asked if anyone in the crowd could take over. So- not to disappoint my kids- I took a shot at it...and look at me soar through the air! Impressive, huh?

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