Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Look Who's Crawling!

I knew the day was coming soon...but I had kind of hoped that we could make it through the holidays and not have to worry about Ms. Sarah Kay roaming around the house and us having to "baby-proof" everything....but, my youngest daughter mastered the art of crawling just the other night. And of course, her favorite item in the house is none other than the Christmas tree.

I personally find it astonishing to observe how quickly a little one can learn how to do things. I think it took me over a year to truly play a guitar rhythmically, about 1-2 years to play a recognizable tune on the piano, and what seemed like a decade to learn long division in grade school. Conversely, Sarah taught herself how to transport her 18 pound frame from one end of our living room to the other in two days...Impressive!

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