Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baby Blues
So I just got this new toy...no, not the kid...I've had him for quite a while now. But Santa came early and left me a Canon PowerShot SX100 the other day.

I've been wanting to get a new camera for a long time now, and I figured the arrival of the holidays would be an opportune time. I constantly was battling red eye and blurriness with the old one. I am so impressed with the zoom feature on the Canon. I think I took this photo about 25 feet from the little guy...not to mention, the camera is also equipped to take true night shots as well as landscape settings and video clips. The manual is about 100 pages, so I've got a little homework to do between now and Christmas morning...gotta be ready for the kiddos.


Brian Megilligan said...

That's a great shot, Rob! And thanks for doing your part to spur on the economy! :)

Have a great Christmas!

emily said...

I love my Canon. There's still many features I don't know about, and some I probably never will.