22:16:37 and counting...
After listening to my daughter sing "the score" over and over again for the past year or so, Marie finally convinced me to sit down this evening to watch High School Musical...all in preparation for the debut of the sequel tomorrow evening on the Disney channel. Now I'm not necessarily ready to crown this show as the next Les Miserables, but it definitely has its moments as a kind of Romeo and Juliet/ Grease storyline for today's I-Pod/ text messaging/ Facebook generation of kids.
Watching this show tonight made me think back to my high school musical career which consisted of one of Charlemagne's henchmen in Pippin, a street urchin in Roar of the Greasepaint, Smell of the Crowd, and then finally Freddy in My Fair Lady. (I still remember being absolutely terrified of coming from behind the curtain to croon the tune, "On the Street Where You Live"...(I'm pretty sure that Lerner and Loewe rolled over in their grave while listening to my rendition of their song on that day back in 1985.)
Pretty much my only claim to fame is that the young lady who played my mother in my school's production of My Fair Lady was none other that Melina Kanakaredes - known for her performances in Guiding Light, Providence, and CSI. We remained friends throughout high school, but lost touch with each other as we both went on to college. (You'd think she would want to look me up to thank me for inspiring her to pursue her acting career! ha, ha)
Anyway, in lieu of watching my beloved Tribe tomorrow night, I promised Marie that we'll all sit down to watch Troy, Gabriella, and the much anticipated H.S. Musical II...
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