"Hey Josh, help me unload our stuff from the van, and then we'll go swimming."
First Load: sleeping bags and pillows
Second Load: Rubbermaid container filled with basic camping supplies: flashlights, matches, paper products, bug repellent, etc...
Third Load: lawn chairs, swimming gear, and cooler
Fourth Load..."Hey Josh, did you already get our suitcase with all our clothes?" ."No, dad, did you?" . UGH!!!! Seems that the suitcase was residing back home in our living room. I'm blaming it on the 6 year-old.

Hey, we're two tough dudes...who needs a change of clothes for a couple of days. If Marie or Cindy had been with us, we'd be back in the car to retrieve the suitcase, but a change of clothing is vastly overrated when you're camping- at least for my son and I.

Later in the evening, we enjoyed a hayride and a campfire cookout, and then early the next
morning- smelling just a tad ripe from our 2nd day in the same clothes- we headed back down to the lake to feed the fish with a bunch of hot dog buns. Before leaving, Josh got the chance to saddle up on this fearsome looking bronco and toured the campground one last time. Not sure who smelled worse- the barnyard pony or my son.

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