Colors of Spring
We've got this tree in our yard that is breathtakingly beautiful- that is, for around two weeks out of the entire year. Don't you wonder why spectacular things like this in nature don't last longer? Honestly, the shades of purple from this dogwood are mesmerizing- especially since most of the other trees and bushes around are still rather barren looking. It has a surreal look to it when the sun shines through its branches.
So what's the point here? I think it may be one of the great subtle lessons that we're given in life...don't take things for granted because nothing lasts forever. I would imagine that each day all of us encounter something/ someone that we just kind of pass by and not really take notice. I think this can be especially true with personal relationships. I shamefully admit that I have had a number of people in my life that I simply neglected to reach out and offer a kind word/ deed. I get so caught up in my personal "schedule" at times, that I find it easy/ convenient to just live in my own little world and shut out so many things that may actually be beckoning me to take notice- my wife, my kids, a co-worker, one of my students, and yes...even a silly tree that blooms one weekend and then sheds it flowers all over my lawn the next- which incidentally happened just tonight as my ever perceptive son brought to my attention. Josh was

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