Springtime in Akron- UGH!!!This past Sunday was great. We all set the clocks forward, which is the first true indication that Spring is nearby. Josh and I "worked" outside finishing up some yardwork. By around 5:00 in the evening, I was enjoying sitting back, watching Josh zoom up and down the sidewalk on his bike. It was around 55 degrees, a light breeze, and relatively sunny. A pretty nice, spring day.
Just three days later...we get snow!- only in Akron! Snow? Give me a break! Let's see, I just finished putting all the kid's sleds and shovels back in the shed, inflated all the bike's tires, fertilized the front lawn, planted one of Cindy's perennials and began to clean out a few of the flower beds...heck, I even hung up my Chief Wahoo flag! C'mon!
Obviously, I say this in jest because all of us here in good ole' Akron have absolutely nothing to complain about because at least we are relatively safe from the earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes that devastate other parts of the country. Having friends who have gone down south to help with the hurricane victims and listening to their stories upon their return truly puts everything into perspective and makes us realize how fortunate we are. It is simply unfathomable to think that a tropical storm can obliterate an entire city and leave thousands homeless. I imagine that some people would have their faith rocked just a bit when having to endure a tragedy like this.
Anne Bradstreet, America's first accomplished poet, records a chilling
account of watching her house burn to the ground. She ends her poem, though, with a message that is admirable, but in the same light, incredibly challenging to accept. "Yet by His gift is made thine own; There's wealth enough, I need no more, Farewell, my pelf, farewell my store. The world no longer let me love, My hope and treasure lies above."
Our "stuff" that we collect over the years, as hard as it is to admit, isn't all that important when it comes to the big picture.
But, back on a lighter note, I think also that God must have a great sense of humor at times. I imagine that it probably amuses Him a bit to see us outside cutting the grass, planting some flowers, sporting our spring attire...and then turn around and dump an inch of snow on us the next day. That's probably worth a good chuckle for Him.