Our story begins before time began. God, wanting to show his love, must create people who can choose to accept or reject his love. In order for them to truly choose to be a part of his kingdom, they must be able to reject him and create kingdoms of their own.
-opening scene of Kingdoms
Pastor Herb, Kent (pictured here with my son), and the Straight Street singers should all be so incredibly proud of their production. Just the thought of directing 140+ kids (grades 1-6) is amazing...but they pulled it off magnificently.
Josh's very first "theatrical speaking role" came right after the Tower of Babel was destroyed as he stepped up to the mic and- as only a method actor could deliver the line- belted out his much anticipated two word soliloquy..."Oh, no!" I'll never forget the night when I picked him up from rehearsal- he was so excited that he was chosen to say an actual line, albeit a short- but nevertheless- extremely significant line. (at least in my eyes)
The kids had great audiences both performances but appeared to really nail the show Saturday morning as you could simply tell the the leads really got comfortable with both their lines and songs.
Josh's favorite tune from the show (not surprisingly the one leading up to his infamous line) was Build a Tower, but his favorite part was when he got to play one of the fierce Babylonians and rush on stage to seize/ capture the poor, helpless Israelites. The scene pretty much rivaled anything you'd see in Braveheart...
I couldn't be more proud of you, little man!