Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007

All I could think of this Saturday morning was that I was able to hold tight to my son's hand while we made the two mile trek for Alyssa's Hike, and the Calloway family would have to wait a lifetime to touch the hand of their little girl. As we passed the various hike markers along the path, I talked to Josh about little Alyssa, and the terrible disease that attacked her heart and as a result shortened her life. All Josh could say in response was, "that's not fair!" And you know what, it isn't. Parents shouldn't have to bury their children, and I fear that something like this would simply break my faith...I can't imagine a day that would go by without me being able to laugh and play with my kids. They are my life, and I love them with all my heart.
Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, is usually caused by a viral infection. Diagnosis and treatment of mycocarditis has been slow to develop. Alyssa Ann Calaway was a victim of this terrible disease, and this hike is an attempt to raise awareness and money to hopefully find a cure. Josh and I thank all of you who so generously donated to this cause.
"It's September again- it marks the 5th anniversary of Alyssa's death. I don't get to go school shopping with Lys, or talk about what it means to be a Jr. Higher, or ever sit up with her the night before with nervous jitters- she's not here...I'm homesick for my girl. I long to hold her close, smell her hair, hear her laugh, or see her dance. I can't wait until That day- when our family is complete again and she meets her little sister for the first time and reunites with her brother. Her Daddy and I can finally cradle her in our arms again."
-Sarah Calaway (Alyssa's mom)
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mum Day 2007
Evidently, some of our kids taped and then posted this on You Tube a few days after our annual Mum Day- Hoban's long standing tradition of spending the entire day in silence until the big pep rally at the end of the school day...all in an effort to build school spirit and defeat our cross-town rival St. Vincent St. Mary in the big football game held at the Rubber Bowl! This year, over 10,000 people attended the game!
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Monday, September 03, 2007

With about 2 tenths of a mile left, I pointed out the finish line to him. A huge grin came across his face as he then knew that he was going to be able to finish without having to stop at all for a break. Before I knew it, the little dude took off and sprinted towards the finish line. I'm thinking to myself, "Hey, I got 5 more miles to run here buddy...this isn't the time to run a 200 yard sprint!" Sure enough, he crossed over the line first, and then looked back at me to ask if "I was going to make it..."

Sunday, September 02, 2007