Little bit of this, little bit of thatJosh and I headed off to Mansfield Friday night to watch the Lady Knights play in the Regional championship game. We had an interesting dinner at
Applebees as we sat at the bar (Josh had a
Shirley Temple and flirted with the waitress most of the evening...) and come to find out next to us was the grandfather of one of the young ladies who was going to be playing for the opposing team. He gave me the inside scoop on their star player, and boy, was he ever so right. Our girls hung with them for most of the first half, but Sandusky's team had a 6' 4" center whom we simply could not stop. It was a phenomenal season for our kids, and it would have been ever so nice for them to have made it to the State's Final Four...ugh!

Speaking of ugh...after yet another impressive victory over Kent State- again- the Zips lost a one point heart breaker to Miami in the Mac Tournament. It will take a small miracle for them to get a bid to the NCAA tournament...double ugh!
Speaking of double ugh...I finally got around to taking down the Christmas lights on Saturday afternoon. You know, you can't rush these things. Part of me felt like, "Hey, I just have to put 'em right back up there in 9 short months...why bother taking them down now?" I'm not sure if my wife, though, shares the same rationale as I do. The icicle lights do tend to clash with the house on a nice sunny 50 degree day like we had on Saturday (not to mention the tulips even have begun to sprout), so I took my life in my hands and scampered up on the roof and painstakingly dissembled my December masterpiece...any sympathy?
And speaking of pain and sympathy, I finally got my butt in gear and ran a few miles Saturday morning in preparation for the Cleveland was a bit of a struggle to say the least. Good thing that I've got two more months.
We had a phenomenal dinner with the gang from St. Vincent's Saturday night. Tim and Jackie simply outdid themselves...I'm still stuffed! Anyway, it was great to visit with everyone, and we all need to
not wait so long to get together again. I sure do miss playing with you guys each Sunday!
Speaking of Sundays (impressive transitions so far, huh?), we had another awesome ABF luncheon at church this afternoon. If it kind of sounds like all I've done this weekend is eat, you're right! We've started a new format where we only have class twice a month now, and then all stay together for a common meal and fellowship. Good time!
And speaking of good times, after we all got home from church, Josh reunited with his best buddy next door- they haven't seen each other all winter. The two played outside for a good couple of hours while I did some

much needed yard work. As I told Kenton this morning, I sure hope we get this kind of weather for the home opener. Just a few more weeks away!
Finally, an afternoon siesta...I love naps.