Happy Halloween
Greetings from Captain Jack Sparrow, a punk-rock pirate, and a killer bunny
"Let us run with endurance the race set before us." Hebrews 12:1
At the risk of boasting too much, Sarah not only has a wonderful mother who undoubtedly loves her little princess to no end...but she also has two great siblings. Both Marie and Josh idolize Sarah Kay, and I just know that the two of them will continue to look after their little sis and make sure that she not only feels loved in our family, but will also help to bring her closer to Christ as she grows older. When you think about it, it is such an awesome responsibility that we are all given, as parents, when it comes to raising our children. God knows that I'm not the perfect Dad, and all too often my patience (or lack there of) is not something that I'm always proud of, but listening to Mike's message today really reaffirmed my dedication to my kids...they're my life...and I love them all so very much.