About 8 years ago, I ran quite a bit. Usually in the evenings, and after a few months of nightly runs, I entered my first 10k. It was an awesome experience to run with so many "seasoned" athletes, and it truly inspired me to enter another one- the Cleveland Marathon's 10K. Then, for whatever reason, I stopped and have not really exercised on a regular basis since- yeah, I know- pretty pathetic.
Then, I noticed in the paper the other day the add for Akron's Marathon. Then, I thought about this gal whom I work with at school. Her story is that at age 50, she was simply obese; however, she was determined to not only lose the weight, but to run and finish the Cleveland Marathon- yes, all 27 miles of it. Well last year, at about 1/2 of her weight from when I first met her, she accomplished her goal. AMAZING.
Maybe it's my male chauvinism, but if she can do that, then I can certainly scrounge up enough energy to run a leg of the marathon this September. But I have to tell you, having not run in a number of years, it's a little tough to get back into the swing of things. Two nights ago (my first true run of 3 miles), I felt ok- a little sore, but nothing too bad. Tonight however, I don't think I got out of my driveway and my calves started to cramp up on me. ( I know, I'm such a wimp!) I definitely struggled tonight, but I'm gonna do this thing. I've asked a few friends already if they would be interested in teaming up this fall- so far, no real commitments. Anybody interested out there?