A Holiday Weekend
What a beautiful day...One can only hope that we have many, many more days like today. There's quite a bit of truth to the saying that fresh air can "kill ya"...Josh is lethargically watching some TV after having spent the entire day in the backyard playing with the neighborhood kids and swimming with Marie out front on the slip and slide. Becky and Troy, visiting from that state up North with the really mean NBA players, came over this afternoon for lunch...(update- Josh is now fast asleep....minutes after I just looked over at him!)
Tomorrow will also be a full day. My dad's sister Mary and her husband are visiting from California, so we'll all be going over to my folks house for a cookout. Earlier on Sunday, however, I am privileged to attend and play for yet another one of Hoban's graduation. The ceremony (graduation commencement and Baccalaureate Mass) is actually quite beautiful, but I'm less than thrilled that our school continues to have this on the holiday weekend. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the get-together for Brian K.'s last day at the Chapel, but I'll hook up with him- along with Brian M. (visiting from N. Carolina) and Kenton on Monday when we're all be off to the Jake to root for our beloved Indians, who need all the TLC that they can get now. It should be a fun afternoon. (Thanks again for the invite, Brian!)
Happy Memorial Day everyone!