In past years, I've brought in the New Years a bit more raucously than this evening...but kids will tend to curtail the ole' social nightlife a bit. The highlight of my evening was getting three more stars with Josh on Super Mario...pretty pathetic, huh? Actually, this silly game has become somewhat of a Odysseyan quest for me. I began playing it with Marie years ago...stopped at 5o stars or so, and then recently picked it up again with the advent of Josh's enthusiasm for the game. For anyone who cares, it takes 100 stars to free the Princess from the castle (Josh and I are up to 61 now)...I'm gonna do this before I'm 40! (which sadly is less than 3 months away)
We capped the evening off by watching the new Superman movie, which I inadvertently purchased from my DVD club. (forgot to respond to the monthly Director's selection...UGH!) Josh conked out about 9:30, but the littlest one should be awake here within the hour.
This afternoon I was privileged to help play for a "celebratory" service for one of our choir buddies who lost his life to cancer. It truly was a celebration of this man's life. One of the songs that we sang was We Will Dance- a tribute to the many lives that this man had obviously touched during his short stay on earth. Please pray for his wife and kids who invariably will have some difficult times ahead.
15 minutes till the ball drops...so far, I'm not overly impressed with the line-up on Dick Clark's show...I must be getting old because Christina Aguilera sounds just like a bunch of noise with more emphasis on her choreography than any real display of musical talents- like I'm sure she really cares about my critique of her performance...But God love Dick Clark- who obviously is still recovering from his bout of illnesses.
Well, Happy New Years everyone and God Bless!